Unfinished. Created for 7DRL 2024.

The idea behind this game was to create a simplified traditional roguelike version of the game "Lethal Company". The player would travel to various moons, attempting to loot enough to meet their quota for the week, while surviving various alien horrors. Unfortunately I didn't get enough time to work on it during the 7DRL period as I wanted to, so the game is unfinished.

Implemented features:

  • Travel to various randomly generated moons and the company headquarters.
  • Enter a randomly generated facility to find loot.

Missing Features:

  • Enemies
  • Varied moon environments
  • Multiple facility types
  • Getting credit for your quota at the end of the week
  • Shop purchases
  • Winning/losing


  • W/A/S/D: Movement
  • I: Inventory
  • F: Drop
  • Space: Wait, descend stairs
  • Mouse over items and enemies for tooltips.


Built in Rust using Bevy 0.13, bracket-lib, and rouge. Main menu background image converted to REXPaint format using png2rex_rs.


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Looks broken with errors at console.

W10, Chrome.

* lethal_rl-e7097972a91ff0a0.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Using exceptions for control flow, don't mind me. This isn't actually an error!

* panicked at /Users/rich/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/gilrs-0.10.4/src/gamepad.rs:458:45:

called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value

Thanks for the report. I didn’t hit this issue myself on Chrome or Firefox on macOS/Win10/Linux, but it looks like it’s related to gamepad handling in the engine. I haven’t added gamepad support so I can rebuild the game without this engine feature.

In the meantime, if you have any gamepads connected, maybe unplugging them would work around this issue?

Sadly, I can't check it out now because it's more like uninstall driver than unplug already unplugged gamepad.

I rebuilt and reuploaded without gamepad support. Hopefully that should be enough to get it to work!

Unfortunately, same error.  (Private mode don't help)Thank You for trying...

I tried disable chrome://flags/#enable-windows-gaming-input-data-fetcher with chrome beta, and yes, error gone...